
What is the relationship between the far-right, devout religious adherents, and delusional thinking?

The relationship between far-right ideologies, devout religious adherence, and delusional thinking is multifaceted and can be understood through psychological, sociopolitical, and cultural dynamics. Research indicates that individuals who align with far-right beliefs often exhibit a propensity for conspiratorial thinking, which can be linked to delusional ideation. This connection is particularly evident in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, where conspiracy theories proliferated among far-right groups, suggesting a psychological framework where delusional thinking serves to reinforce in-group identities and justify out-group hostility Stoeckel & Ceka (2022)Sturm & Albrecht, 2020).

Far-right movements frequently capitalize on religious sentiments, intertwining them with nationalist ideologies. This fusion can lead to a heightened sense of existential threat, which may trigger delusional thinking as a coping mechanism. For instance, apocalyptic narratives prevalent in certain religious circles can resonate with far-right ideologies, creating a fertile ground for delusions that frame societal changes as existential crises (Sturm & Albrecht, 2020). The intertwining of religious fervor and extremist political beliefs can foster a worldview that is resistant to contradictory evidence, a hallmark of delusional thinking (Bronstein et al., 2019).

Moreover, studies have shown that individuals with low self-esteem are more susceptible to delusional ideation, particularly themes of persecution, which are often prevalent in far-right rhetoric (Warman & Lysaker, 2011; Warman et al., 2010). This suggests that the psychological profile of individuals drawn to far-right ideologies may predispose them to adopt delusional beliefs, particularly when these beliefs serve to validate their experiences of marginalization or victimization. The reinforcement of these beliefs through social networks and echo chambers further exacerbates the delusional mindset, as individuals are less likely to encounter dissenting viewpoints (Bronstein et al., 2019).

The role of dogmatism is also significant in this context. Research indicates that dogmatic individuals, including devout religious adherents, are more likely to endorse false beliefs and conspiracy theories, which can be seen as a form of delusional thinking (Bronstein et al., 2019). This dogmatism is often coupled with a cognitive style that favors intuitive over analytical thinking, making it challenging for individuals to critically assess their beliefs (Bronstein et al., 2019). The result is a reinforcement of delusional ideation that aligns with far-right narratives, which often portray a simplified, black-and-white view of complex social issues.

In summary, the interplay between far-right ideologies, devout religious beliefs, and delusional thinking is characterized by a shared reliance on conspiratorial narratives, a propensity for dogmatism, and psychological vulnerabilities such as low self-esteem. These factors collectively contribute to a worldview that is resistant to change and heavily influenced by in-group dynamics, ultimately fostering an environment where delusional thinking can thrive.


Arjmand, S., Kohlmeier, K., Behzadi, M., Ilaghi, M., Mazhari, S., & Shabani, M. (2020). Looking into a deluded brain through a neuroimaging lens. The Neuroscientist, 27(1), 73-87.

Bronstein, M., Pennycook, G., Bear, A., Rand, D., & Cannon, T. (2019). Belief in fake news is associated with delusionality, dogmatism, religious fundamentalism, and reduced analytic thinking.. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 8(1), 108-117.

Coltheart, M. (2010). The neuropsychology of delusions. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1191(1), 16-26.

Gurin, L. and Blum, S. (2017). Delusions and the right hemisphere: a review of the case for the right hemisphere as a mediator of reality-based belief. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 29(3), 225-235.

Hayashi, N., Igarashi, Y., & Harima, H. (2021). Delusion progression process from the perspective of patients with psychoses: a descriptive study based on the primary delusion concept of karl jaspers. Plos One, 16(4), e0250766.

Ismail, Z., Nguyen, M., Fischer, C., Schweizer, T., Mulsant, B., & Mamo, D. (2011). Neurobiology of delusions in alzheimer’s disease. Current Psychiatry Reports, 13(3), 211-218.

Lai, L., Lee, P., Chan, P., Fok, M., Hsiung, G., & Sepehry, A. (2017). Prevalence of delusions in drug‐naïve alzheimer disease patients: a meta‐analysis. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 34(9), 1287-1293.

Mishara, A. and Fusar‐Poli, P. (2013). The phenomenology and neurobiology of delusion formation during psychosis onset: jaspers, truman symptoms, and aberrant salience. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 39(2), 278-286.

Najjar, S., Pahlajani, S., Sanctis, V., Stern, J., Najjar, A., & Chong, D. (2017). Neurovascular unit dysfunction and blood–brain barrier hyperpermeability contribute to schizophrenia neurobiology: a theoretical integration of clinical and experimental evidence. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 8.

Nomura, K., Kazui, H., Wada, T., Sugiyama, H., Yamamoto, D., Yoshiyama, K., … & Takeda, M. (2012). Classification of delusions in alzheimer’s disease and their neural correlates. Psychogeriatrics, 12(3), 200-210.

Perez, D., Pan, H., Weisholtz, D., Root, J., Tuescher, O., Fischer, D., … & Stern, E. (2015). Altered threat and safety neural processing linked to persecutory delusions in schizophrenia: a two-task fmri study. Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging, 233(3), 352-366.

Prasad, K. (2019). Delusions in alzheimer disease: what researchers should not forget. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27(5), 499-501.

Raij, T., Riekki, T., Rikandi, E., Mäntylä, T., Kieseppä, T., & Suvisaari, J. (2018). Activation of the motivation-related ventral striatum during delusional experience. Translational Psychiatry, 8(1).

Stoeckel, F. and Ceka, B. (2022). Political tolerance in europe: the role of conspiratorial thinking and cosmopolitanism. European Journal of Political Research, 62(3), 699-722.

Sturm, T. and Albrecht, T. (2020). ‘constituent covid-19 apocalypses: contagious conspiracism, 5g, and viral vaccinations’. Anthropology and Medicine, 28(1), 122-139.

Sultzer, D., Leskin, L., Melrose, R., Harwood, D., Narvaez, T., Ando, T., … & Mandelkern, M. (2014). Neurobiology of delusions, memory, and insight in alzheimer disease. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22(11), 1346-1355.

Warman, D. and Lysaker, P. (2011). Delusional ideation and self-esteem in individuals with psychotic disorders. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 199(1), 58-61.

Warman, D., Lysaker, P., Luedtke, B., & Martin, J. (2010). Self-esteem and delusion proneness. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 198(6), 455-457.


The neuropathology of delusional thinking

Delusional thinking is a complex phenomenon often associated with various neuropsychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and substance-induced psychoses. Understanding the neurobiological underpinnings of delusions involves examining specific brain regions, neurotransmitter systems, and cognitive processes that contribute to the formation and maintenance of these fixed false beliefs.

Research indicates that delusions may arise from aberrant salience attributed to stimuli, which is often linked to dysregulation in dopaminergic pathways, particularly in the mesolimbic system. The aberrant salience hypothesis posits that chaotic disinhibition of dopamine release leads to the misattribution of significance to otherwise neutral stimuli, fostering delusional beliefs (Hayashi et al., 2021; Mishara & Fusar‐Poli, 2013). This is supported by findings that show increased activation in the ventral striatum during delusional experiences, suggesting that motivational and reward-related processes are involved in the reinforcement of these beliefs (Raij et al., 2018; Arjmand et al., 2020). Furthermore, neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that individuals with persecutory delusions exhibit heightened activation in the medial temporal lobe when processing negatively valenced stimuli, indicating a potential neural basis for the emotional and cognitive aspects of delusions (Perez et al., 2015).

In the context of Alzheimer’s disease, delusions are often linked to cognitive deficits, particularly memory impairments. Studies have shown that patients with Alzheimer’s frequently exhibit delusions alongside memory deficits, which may stem from a failure to accurately recall information, leading to the formation of erroneous beliefs (Sultzer et al., 2014; Ismail et al., 2011). Neurobiological correlates such as decreased blood flow and metabolic activity in the frontal and temporal lobes have been associated with the prevalence of delusions in this population (Lai et al., 2017; Nomura et al., 2012). Moreover, the presence of neurovascular dysfunction and blood-brain barrier permeability issues has been proposed as contributing factors to the neurobiology of delusions in various psychiatric conditions, including schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s (Najjar et al., 2017; Prasad, 2019).

The right hemisphere of the brain has also been implicated in the manifestation of delusions. Research suggests that lesions or dysfunctions in the right hemisphere may disrupt the processes involved in reality testing and belief updating, leading to the persistence of delusional beliefs despite contradictory evidence (Gurin & Blum, 2017). This aligns with the two-factor theory of delusions, which posits that the initial neuropsychological impairment that prompts a delusion is compounded by a second impairment that hinders belief evaluation processes (Coltheart, 2010).

In summary, delusional thinking is associated with a variety of neurobiological factors, including dopaminergic dysregulation, temporal lobe dysfunction, and right hemisphere involvement. These factors interact with cognitive processes, such as memory and belief evaluation, to contribute to the persistence of delusions across different psychiatric disorders. Further research is needed to elucidate the complex interplay between these neurobiological and cognitive mechanisms, which could inform more effective treatment strategies for individuals experiencing delusions.


Arjmand, S., Kohlmeier, K., Behzadi, M., Ilaghi, M., Mazhari, S., & Shabani, M. (2020). Looking into a deluded brain through a neuroimaging lens. The Neuroscientist, 27(1), 73-87.

Coltheart, M. (2010). The neuropsychology of delusions. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1191(1), 16-26.

Gurin, L. and Blum, S. (2017). Delusions and the right hemisphere: a review of the case for the right hemisphere as a mediator of reality-based belief. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 29(3), 225-235.

Hayashi, N., Igarashi, Y., & Harima, H. (2021). Delusion progression process from the perspective of patients with psychoses: a descriptive study based on the primary delusion concept of karl jaspers. Plos One, 16(4), e0250766.

Ismail, Z., Nguyen, M., Fischer, C., Schweizer, T., Mulsant, B., & Mamo, D. (2011). Neurobiology of delusions in alzheimer’s disease. Current Psychiatry Reports, 13(3), 211-218.

Lai, L., Lee, P., Chan, P., Fok, M., Hsiung, G., & Sepehry, A. (2017). Prevalence of delusions in drug‐naïve alzheimer disease patients: a meta‐analysis. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 34(9), 1287-1293.

Mishara, A. and Fusar‐Poli, P. (2013). The phenomenology and neurobiology of delusion formation during psychosis onset: jaspers, truman symptoms, and aberrant salience. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 39(2), 278-286.

Najjar, S., Pahlajani, S., Sanctis, V., Stern, J., Najjar, A., & Chong, D. (2017). Neurovascular unit dysfunction and blood–brain barrier hyperpermeability contribute to schizophrenia neurobiology: a theoretical integration of clinical and experimental evidence. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 8.

Nomura, K., Kazui, H., Wada, T., Sugiyama, H., Yamamoto, D., Yoshiyama, K., … & Takeda, M. (2012). Classification of delusions in alzheimer’s disease and their neural correlates. Psychogeriatrics, 12(3), 200-210.

Perez, D., Pan, H., Weisholtz, D., Root, J., Tuescher, O., Fischer, D., … & Stern, E. (2015). Altered threat and safety neural processing linked to persecutory delusions in schizophrenia: a two-task fmri study. Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging, 233(3), 352-366.

Prasad, K. (2019). Delusions in alzheimer disease: what researchers should not forget. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27(5), 499-501.

Raij, T., Riekki, T., Rikandi, E., Mäntylä, T., Kieseppä, T., & Suvisaari, J. (2018). Activation of the motivation-related ventral striatum during delusional experience. Translational Psychiatry, 8(1).

Sultzer, D., Leskin, L., Melrose, R., Harwood, D., Narvaez, T., Ando, T., … & Mandelkern, M. (2014). Neurobiology of delusions, memory, and insight in alzheimer disease. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22(11), 1346-1355.